Benefits of Daily Walking
No excuse. You should be walking. Every. Single. Day.
If you do an online search for the “benefits of walking,” you will get several pages from a bunch of different sources all explaining the amazing advantages of walking as exercise. Try it yourself and you’ll see what I mean. Everything from mood enhancer to joint lubricator to heart stimulator. Walking does it all.
One of the most powerful ways to maintain a healthy weight, keep your joints strong, and live longer is also one of the simplest, no matter your age. The health benefits of walking are endless, and experts agree by adding walking to your daily routine, you can greatly improve your physical and mental health.
But please, don’t head to the gym (if you can avoid it). Get outside. In fact, I have known for years that if you want to get to know your neighbors, grab your dog’s leash, put your baby in a stroller or your youngster on a bicycle and go for a walk. What if your neighborhood doesn’t have a lot of active outdoor participants? Do it anyway. In fact, conduct your own experiment … get out and walk every day and in a few months, you will probably see other people getting out and walking every day. I promise. It’s a thing. I’ve seen it happen.
When I was in my mid 20s, I did something that changed my life: I got a dog. Kaley was a Golden Retriever, Labrador Retriever mix and was about as awesome as they come. She was an active puppy and pushed me into a twice daily walking routine.
That was over 35 years ago. An overseas trip, a few bouts with the flu when I could not lift my head off the pillow and a week or so after my hip resurfacing surgery are pretty much the only times I have missed a day walking with my dogs. That’s a long time and a lot of walking.
It hasn’t always been easy, but active dogs are quite an incentive. Walking with the flu is no fun, but I’ve done it. Walking dogs after hip surgery is tricky … but possible. Crutches helped me hobble the block or so to the park where a chuck-it sling shot allowed my dogs to run, retrieve and enjoy some time outside. Extra benefits? I got out of my “rehab” chair and actually started rehabbing my hip … and the rest of me.
My keeping up with The Goldens daily walk has been going on for close to 40 years. I have met and become good friends with many neighbors who didn’t necessarily live close by. I have watched children grow and friendly faces come and go. I have forged special bonds with fellow dog owners as we watched our dogs greet each other with joy and then run and chase each other around the yard. This is magical stuff that can’t be duplicated on a gym’s treadmill.
So, that’s the short of my long relationship with daily walking. For me, walking is so much a part of my life that I feel awkward and incomplete if I miss a day. And if this little testimonial doesn’t inspire you, maybe these little facts about the benefits of walking … will.
Walking is free
Here’s the best part – you are already equipped for this exercise. If you are bipedal, and able to hold yourself upright, you can walk. A decent pair of shoes is helpful, but not always necessary. Your bare feet would absolutely LOVE to wander around on grass at home or in a park. But for the most part, any type of foot covering will do. The “barefoot” movement has created a growing industry of minimalist shoes. For many years, the shoes I have worn not just for walking but also for dog agility are Vibrams, otherwise known as gloves for your feet. Neither option is free, but they do allow your feet to work the way nature intended.
Walking helps to strengthen the spine and improve mobility
As we walk, the motion helps push our body fluids throughout our joints and muscles. You’ve heard the phrase “Use it or Lose it?” Well, it’s true. Think about the last time you got out of your car after a several hour drive. If you are like me, you are a little stiff. It takes a few steps and some regular movement to loosen things up. If you stay more active each day, your body won’t have the opportunity to freeze up. Dr Steven Hulme shares more information here.
Walking reduces stress
As the saying goes: “Walk it off!” Research has proven that walking helps people feel better and especially when outside, is an instant mood booster. As you walk, you can either try to work though any problem … or … you can allow yourself to concentrate on the birds and flowers and trees and nature all around you. Is that bird just chirping? Or is he saying something to you? Ha! Listen and find out. Blue Cross has a nice article here.
Walking improves your cardiovascular system
As you walk, Your calves act like a pump and they help to circulate blood back to your heart. Better circulation means lower risk of blood clots. Walking is one of the easiest ways to increase your physical activity and improve your health. Frank S. Ring from Walking for Health and Fitness has more information here.
It is my belief that unlike running, walking is something that you will be able to do until the day you die. If you do nothing else but start walking every day, it is very likely that you will lose weight and build muscle. And then if you choose to adopt a healthier lifestyle by being more careful about the food and drink that you ingest, I guarantee that your health will improve, you will lose weight and your body will change for the better. A simple way to start your journey to better health is to walk for exercise every day.
There you have it … a bunch of reasons to get out, put one foot in front of the other and walk as exercise. So, off you go! Grab your partner’s hand, your dog’s leash or your baby’s stroller and take a walk. Proven benefits that you can enjoy for the rest of your life.