Written on July 28, 2018 – about a week after my surgery:
How I spent my summer vacation.
Hip resurfacing surgery (July 20, 2018) went well and I am now working on the recovery part. Hip joint now doesn’t hurt but the muscles that were cut are extremely angry. I am off the opioids (yeah!) and am moving slowly … but surely. Previous hip pain was sucking the life out of me and I am looking forward to getting my life BACK!!!
Written on January 25, 2019 – about 6 months after my surgery:
This is the surgery that I selected to have done to repair my very arthritic and painful right hip. It took lots of research to find Dr. Thomas Gross, an orthopedic surgeon in Columbia SC, who has performed over 5000 resurfacing surgeries. January 20 was my 6 month anniversary and I am not ashamed to admit that this surgery kicked my ass. Those first 6 weeks were very humbling.
In my follow up visit at 8 weeks, Dr Gross cleared me to start rehab, so Mike and I joined a local gym. I met with the trainer, we came up with a plan for my workout, and on my first visit, I hit the arc trainer (similar to an elliptical). I set the time to 10 minutes … on level 1 … and I was extremely light headed when I was done. Holy crap. Its a good thing that Planet Fitness is the “no judgement zone.”
Fast forward another 4 months. I am still mindful of my gait, but I am now walking pain free. My doctor said that after 6 months, I can start easing back into my sporting activities. Guess I was stretching the definition of “easing” because Darcy and I just finished three agility weekends in a row of traveling and trialing. All were fun, we were able to visit with friends and it was very evident that Darcy was very happy to be out running agility again. Because I was running with pain for several months and then we were out for over 10, we have a lot of work/training to do to be the amazing team we were becoming before my hip made other plans. I am now more determined to not only recover, but to be better, stronger, faster, and healthier than before, and considering the results of so many others who have had the resurfacing procedure, I think it is quite possible.
Stay tuned …
This was written on July 21 – one year after my surgery:
I was seated on the edge of the operating table wondering why there were nurses on either side of me holding my right and left arms. They smiled and one said “here you go … the best beach-side summer cocktail you have ever had”.
When I woke up, I was in a different room and another smiling nurse greeted me. “How are you feeling?”
“What? I don’t know. Wait, do I have a new hip??”
“Yep. You have a new hip”
That was one year ago. July 20, 2018.

In the last 365 days I have been humbled, frustrated, overwhelmed, encouraged, enlightened, amazed and determined. I had been walking so badly (due to the pain) for almost a year before my surgery that I really did have to learn to walk again, to find my gait again, to remember head up, shoulders back, one foot in front of the other, heel/toe … and no slouching. It took months to get there.
At 8 weeks, I had a follow up visit with my doctor, Dr. Thomas Gross, in Columbia, SC, and he asked me if I was glad I had had the surgery. At that point, I wasn’t really sure. When he asks me again, it will be a resounding yes. I am very thankful that we found the best doctor in the country who performed the hip resurfacing surgery that will hopefully be my one and only.
One year ago today, we were in this RV heading home from the hospital in Columbia. I was frail, vulnerable, overwhelmed and needy and tried to rest on the sofa while Mike drove the whole way home. I don’t say this enough, but I am so very grateful for Mike’s love, support and encouragement, even though I cursed him those first few days after we got home when he insisted that I get out of the chair and walk a little … and then a little more.
A year later, I am walking better, moving better and feeling better each day and hoping the effects of that beach-side summer cocktail never wear off 🙂
**About 7-8 months after my surgery, I was doing much better but still feeling stiff and was not moving as well as I thought I should be. My sister-in-law, Debbie, had just signed on with Zilis and insisted that I try the UltraCell CBD. I was very hesitant at first, but after using it for about 3 weeks, I definitely noticed a difference. I am also using the UltraICE product, which contains turmeric and other anti-inflammatory botanicals. The combination has been very helpful. Click here to learn more.