I am a Dog Mom & Trainer; Dog Agility Competitor, Instructor and Coach; Outdoor Enthusiast; Artist; Web Designer; Small Business Owner; Gardner; Home DIYer.
In 2018, I had a hip replacement and my recovery led me to Zilis Ultra Cell CBD. I am an Ambassador with Zilis and this website allows me to share my story about how UltraCell has helped me … and my dogs … as well as other discoveries I have made along the way. Want to come along?
In many ways, I look at myself as an aggregator – someone who is always searching for answers, always interested in learning and in doing so, I find myself gathering lots of great information from lots of very different places. Lisa Graham Health is a way for me to share those bits and pieces with you. I am not an expert on anything in particular, but I have found lots of resources from people who are. Why reinvent the wheel when I can let my computer drive all over the world and find answers to my questions – or just find interesting miscellaneous stuff to shove into my brain? I am sure this website will take on a life of its own as I continue to learn, explore, grow and heal. My goal is to enlighten you or to intrigue you enough to do some research of your own.

Six step supermarket shopping strategy
Recently I wrote an article about the psychology of supermarket design and shopping where we learned this: “Upward of 50 percent of what we buy in a supermarket we had no intention of buying as we walked in the door,” - Environmental Psychologist Paco Underhill...

The fascinating psychology of the supermarket
It is undeniable that the goal of every business is to entice customers to spend as much money as possible, and grocery stores are no different. In fact, the supermarket industry has taken the psychology of product placements and store design to a rather impressive...

Heat exhaustion or heat stoke in dogs
What to look for, how to treat and suggestions for alternative physical and mental exercise No question, it’s hot. Oh … and it’s the middle of summer too which means heat, humidity (especially in NW Florida) and rain. Quickly passing rain showers then create a...

The Plant Based Diet 7-Day Challenge
Over the last several years, my diet has been changing and evolving. After doing some research about plant based diets, it seems like the migration to consuming more plants and less meat and animal products is more common than I thought. And while I am not a vegan or...

I was raised around water, so I find it very interesting that I love the mountains. Mike and I have explored much of the Blue Ridge Parkway and we love just about every mile. This photo was taken in July of 2019 on the Green Knob Trail in Julian Price Memorial Park on the Parkway. I love hiking and it takes on a whole new level of dexterity to hike with dogs … especially a young one. Walking on pavement is just so predictable. But walking on rough, narrow trails where you need to watch each foot placement makes it a little more difficult. Now throw in a few leashes and dogs and lots of motion and it becomes intense mental AND physical exercise but I absolutely love it.