CBD and Me

As I have continued to recover from my hip surgery (July 2018), I have been doing better each month, but I also felt like my whole body needed to be oiled. I was still really stiff to get up and start moving. In early March, my sister-in-law, Debbie Fisher, told me that I needed to try this great new CBD oil. Um no thanks, I said. I’ve tried CBD before and it didn’t work, I said. In fact, I said, I think I had an allergic reaction to it (elevated heart rate/tightening in the chest). Debbie said I don’t care – try it anyway. So I did.
The next few months were a blur – in early April, I drove to Kansas to pick up Puppy Pippin (a “field” Golden Retriever) and then in early May, we had to say goodbye to Old Man Riley (a Golden Retriever just one month shy of 13). All the while I have been taking the Zilis Ultra Cell CBD. I think helped me stay sane during some tough moments. I KNOW it helped me feel less crusty – more oiled. Not 100% like I’m 20 again, but enough of a difference that I am hooked/sold/don’t want to stop.
So now that things have settled down a little, I am able to wrap my brain around the fact that I have signed on to sell an INCREDIBLE product and one that I would love to share with you – Zilis Ultra Cell CBD oil. This product is a FULL spectrum (over 400 compounds) CBD oil, and the bioavailability is off the charts – over 90% absorption! That’s HUGE and almost unheard of in the CBD industry. And recently it became the #1 selling CBD in the country. That’s amazing. You will not find it at Walmart or CVS. The company has chosen to sell through people like ME and YOU!
Attention DOG PEOPLE – this product has 0.0% THC and is safe for dogs … and cats … anything with a spine. We gave this to Riley to help with his seizures. It didn’t stop them, but we believe it lessened the severity and the frequency and we also believe he had a little more spring in his step because it was easing his arthritis. It’s also great for thunderstorm anxiety. And, Zilis just released a new product – Ultra Cell RAW – no sweeteners and no flavoring. PERFECT for our dogs and cats!! Click here for more information.