The human body contains up to 60% water. And we all remember the old saying that oil and water don’t mix, right? That’s why I can’t understand why anyone would buy “regular” oil-based CBD.

A 2018 study at the Mayo Clinic found that the absorption rate
of the Zilis UltraCell product was anywhere between 80-95%. 

Drop of UltraCell Raw

At Zilis, we like to say “It’s not how much you take, but how much you absorb”.

Every morning, I give one drop of UltraCell Raw to both Darcy and Pippin. The recommendation is to rub along the gum line under their nose for the ultimate absorption. You can also drop into their mouth or into their food and they will absorb the CBD, but the best, most effective method is to rub on their gums. Find the Zilis UltraCell Pet Dosage Chart here.

After administering to my dogs, I put 3 drops of UltraCell CBD and 3 drops of UltraCell CBG under my tongue. That’s probably closer to .25mL (or less) of each product per day. Interestingly, Zilis recently sent out new information about their recommended serving size – it’s gone DOWN. Initially, like so many other products, they recommended 1mL/day. Now? They recommend .25mL – .5mL. 

Because of the very high absorption rate of the Ultra Cell products, you can actually take LESS and get MORE of the benefits from this high quality, full-spectrum CBD supplement. 

Tests have shown that for most of the CBD oil products on the market, on average only 5-10% is ultimately being absorbed. If you take one of these products, your body will NEVER USE a staggering 80-95% of the CBD oil.

Math was never my favorite subject. I am very creative and like to think big and have just never liked to fuss with the little things. Like numbers. Science, however, is another story. My most difficult and yet most intriguing class in college was Human Physiology. I have no idea why I took that class – I was an art student! It was way out of my comfort zone, but I really loved all that I learned. Perhaps my curiosity about the human body is why I am fascinated with CBD and how it works. So when tests show that for the majority of the CBD products on the market, very little CBD is actually absorbed, it just makes me wonder.

So, help me out and let’s do the math together. 

Option 1: Well-known pet product

  • $80.00 for 30mL ($2.66/mL)
  • Serving size for a 50lb dog is .5 full dropper/day
  • Cost per serving is $1.33
  • This bottle will last 60 days

Sounds good, right? Well, we now need to do a little more math.

As studies have shown, only 5-10% of the CBD oil is actually absorbed. 

We will use the high end of 10%.

  • Well-known pet product cost per serving is $1.33.
  • 10% absorption would mean that your dog would benefit from only .13 cents of CBD per serving.
  • $1.20 worth of this product’s CBD is eliminated/wasted PER SERVING.
  • That means you are actually eliminating/wasting $72.00 out of the $80.00 bottle. 

That’s a very expensive bottle of olive oil. 

Option 2: Well-known people product

  • $75 for 30mL ($2.50/mL)
  • Serving size is 2 full droppers/day (droppers are .5mL each)
  • Cost per serving is $2.50
  • This bottle will last 30 days

This seems to be a little more expensive, right? Let’s do the math again using the 10% absorption and see just how much. 

  • Well-know people product cost per serving is $2.50
  • 10% absorption means that you would benefit from only .25 cents of CBD per serving. 
  • $2.25 worth of this product’s CBD is eliminated/wasted PER SERVING.
  • That means you are actually eliminating/wasting $72.50 out of the $80.00 bottle. 

That’s a very expensive bottle of coconut oil. 

Now, let’s try another product.

Option 3: Zilis Ultra Cell

  • $150 for 30mL ($5/mL)
  • Serving size is .5ml/day 
  • Cost per serving is $2.50
  • This bottle will last 60 days

Seems much more expensive, right? Well, here is some new information that might shake things up a little:

With this new information, let’s do the math again using the lower end absorption rate of 80%. 

  • Zilis UltraCell cost per serving is $2.50
  • 80% absorption means that you would benefit from $2.00 of CBD per serving. 
  • Only .50 cents worth of this product’s CBD is eliminated/wasted per serving. 
  • That means you are actually benefiting from $120 worth of CBD in that $150 bottle.

Even my very-challenged Math Brain, that hasn’t taken a math class since high school, is telling me … ahhhhh … now that’s more like it. 

So, I may not be a very good mathematician, but it sure seems to me like the Zilis UltraCell products are worth just about every single penny.

Interested in learning more? Please contact me!